Monday, July 13, 2020

Dear Government of Lesotho

I am tempted to introduce myself as per norms when two people or parties first meet, but I don't ever want to make this about me or you, the representatives of the people of Lesotho.

We would be horribly wrong to expect miracles from a government that came to power in the middle of a pandemic. We also understand many other challenges that come with it, biggest of which is inevitable financial crisis that will hit an already fragile economy. We cannot, however deny the fact that the government is not handling things well neither. Under normal times, the nation could afford to give you time to get this machine oiled and ready to rebuild. Unfortunately we cannot afford that at the expense of the lives of thousands of Lesothoains that are projected to die from covid19. We would rather hold you accountable and save more lives and salvage the economy.

On the subject of holding each other accountable, why would the ministry of health decide to go to war with doctors when we need them the most? This is not time to play hide and seek with the lives of two million of us. We watched with terror an interview the minister of health gave on national television on the night of 13/July/2020. When asked what the plan would be should the health workers (mostly doctors and nurses) decide to strike as their needs are not met, the mister seemed to imply that they don’t really have a solid plan. This even though there were news that he was threating to take legal action against those who are asking for mere PPE, this by the way is a government that had all the time in the world to prepare for this.

I would like to specifically mention the many times the honorable minister got it wrong in the interview, like when he boasted that he worked hard to be a minister after he was asked if its ok for ministers to spend people’s money on their travels. I believe we don’t have time to talk about that. We would like to appeal to the government to interfere and finish this feud between the ministry of health and our health workers because we need them now…now maybe more than you.

I would like to urge the government to make beating this pandemic a national priority while looking after your 2 million brothers and sisters home and abroad. This is the only time that the people genuinely need their leaders to keep it together for everyone. Our people have been silent for many years while the leaders enriched themselves and those close to them with the nation’s wealth. Maybe this is the only time we can all agree that the poor also need to benefit, out of the decency of being human beings at least.
In closing, please never forget that all the hopes of Lesothains are pined on you. Your fundamental job is to look after the people that put you in these positions. How about we humbly serve the people we vowed to put first instead of boasting about our own individual work ethics that gave us personal success. This was uncalled for from the minister.

Hoping to see some improvements in your approach to your fight against both covid19 and financial turmoil we are facing now.
